Tokaya Shoji Co.

Tokaya Shoji Co., Ltd. is a noodle manufacturer and distributor. Tookaya’s udon noodles are made using wheat, salt, dried sardines from Hiuchinada, and rich subsoil water from the Saita River, and are our pride and joy, carrying on the 1,000 year-old tradition of Sanuki udon since Kobo Daishi. We can ship nationwide, so please feel free to use our udon as a year-end gift or a present.


5-1-6 Shigeki-cho, Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture 768-0069


Google Map

opening hours


regular closing day



Approximately 13 minutes (6.3 km) by car from the Onohara IC of the Takamatsu Expressway
Approximately 10 minutes (5.5 km) by car from the Sanuki Toyonaka IC of the Takamatsu Expressway


Approximately 5 minutes by cab from JR Kannonji Station (1.5 km)

parking lot



Local delivery possible

contact us


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