Seasonal Cuisine Fujimura|Kappo restaurant with excellent fresh seafood dishes

At Seasonal Cuisine Fujimura, you can enjoy fresh seafood and mountain delicacies. Especially, seafood dishes are fresh and have been loved by locals for many years.Hors d’oeuvres and boxed lunches are available upon reservation, and takeout is also recommended. Seating is available at the counter, tables, and tatami rooms, so you can use the restaurant for small or large groups without worrying about the number of people in your party.


1220-1 Wada Kou, Toyohama-cho, Kanonji-shi, Kagawa 769-1603


Google Map

opening hours


regular closing day

non-scheduled holiday


Approximately 7 minutes (4 km) by car from the Onohara IC of the Takamatsu Expressway


Approximately 5 minutes by cab from JR Toyohama Station (2 km)

parking lot



Take-out available
Reservations possible
Tatami room is available

contact us


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