Renkoin|The Temple of Five Hundred Arhats

Renkoin is a temple of the Daikakuji School of Shingon Buddhism located in Muromoto-cho at the foot of Mt. Tsukumo. Its official name is Renkoin, Shippozan Rakan-ji Temple. The main deity is the Amida Nyorai, but the temple is best known for its 500 arhats. The term “arhat” refers to the title given to the highest-ranking of Buddha’s disciples, and it is said that the 500 disciples gathered at the time of Buddha’s death were the model for the Five Hundred Arhats. The Five Hundred Arhats are designated as a cultural property of Kannonji City.


314 Muromoto-cho, Kanonji-shi, Kagawa 768-0001


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Approximately 13 minutes (7.5 km) by car from the Sanuki Toyonaka IC on the Takamatsu Expressway
Approximately 8 minutes (4 km) by car from Kannonji City


Approximately 8 minutes (4 km) by cab from JR Kannonji Station
Approximately 9 minutes (5.2 km) by cab from JR Motoyama Station

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