Kawara Kobo Komachian|Enjoy making your own art with roof tile clay!

At Kawara Kobo Komachian, visitors can try their hand at making goods and tableware out of tile clay.
Roof tiles are made of clay, an ancient Japanese pottery, and visitors can enjoy creating their own original items using this clay.
In addition, visitors can purchase a wide variety of other items such as vases, lampshades, tableware, accessories, nameplates, and miniature bonsai trees.
Why not take this opportunity to make memories with kawaraki-clay that you would not normally have the chance to touch?


1172-1, Onohara-cho, Kanonji-shi, Kagawa 769-1611


Google Map

Opening Hours

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
*Excluding year-end and New Year’s holidays

Opening Hours



Approximately 5 minutes (2 km) by car from the Onohara IC on the Takamatsu Expressway
About 12 minutes (6km) by car from Kannonji City


Approximately 6 minutes by cab from JR Toyohama Station (3 km)

parking lot

available(5 space)


Reservations are required for those who wish to experience the program.



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