Call for Spring Town Walks: “Walking in the Iseki District and Plum Picking Experience / Enjoy walking along the old highway and experiencing a rare shrine, plum picking, and pizza making experience”.

After walking along the old Iseki Highway and visiting the site of the old terakoya, etc., let’s visit the “Magochakushi Shrine,” which prayed for the cure of smallpox, and learn about its history and the old vegetation that remains on the grounds of Takinomiya Shrine. Also, try your hand at ume picking and enjoy making pickled plums, ume jam, and ume wine at home. If the weather is fine, you can enjoy a spectacular view of Ibuki Island and the Chugoku region over Iseki-ike Pond from the ume fields.
Also, for lunch, we will move to Gogo Water Mill for a pizza making experience.

Date & Time

Sunday, June 4, 2023
Meet at 8:45 / Depart at 9:00


3,000 yen (including ume plum picking, pizza baking experience and insurance)

Meeting Place

Gogo Revitalization Center


20 (minimum number of rushers 5)

the time required

Approx. 4 hours (approx. 4 km)

Application and Inquiries

Kan-nonji Tourist Association
TEL 0875-24-2150


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