coffee shop Auga|Long-established coffee shop founded in 1973, located near Ikiki jizo.

The coffee shop Auga is an old-fashioned coffee shop located near IkiKi Jizoson. It is open from morning to lunch hours. During business hours, the store also sells bronze amulets, “Ikiki no Jizo Bosatsu”, by reservation. How about a delicious lunch and a cup of strong drip coffee to relieve your fatigue as a rest stop on your tour of power spots or on your pilgrimage?


1184-1 Onohara, Onohara-cho, Kanonji-shi, Kagawa 769-1611


Google Map

opening hours


regular closing day



Approximately 5 minutes (2 km) by car from the Onohara IC of the Takamatsu Expressway
Approximately 17 minutes (10 km) by car from the Sanuki Toyonaka IC of the Takamatsu Expressway


Approximately 10 minutes (5km) by cab from JR Kannonji Station
Approximately 6 minutes (3 km) by cab from JR Toyohama Station

parking lot

available(10 space)


Eat-in only
Cash only

contact us


  • Recommended Menu

hamburger steak lunch|800yen

set meal with fried ginger|800yen

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